
Least squares fitting for Unitful quantities.

using Unitful
using LsqFit, Latexify, Plots
using UnitfulLsqFit, UnitfulLatexify, UnitfulRecipes
default(;fontfamily="Computer Modern")

length = 1000
@. model(x, p) = p[1] + p[2]*exp(-((x-p[3])/p[4])^2) + p[5]*x
p0 = [
        2.0u"m/s", # y offset
        10.2u"m/s", # peak height
        -1.0u"s", # x offset
        0.6u"s", # peak width
        1.2u"m/s^2", # slope
t = range(-5, 5; length)u"s"
v = model(t, p0) + randn(length)*u"m/s" # noisy signal
fit = curve_fit(model, t, v, [0.0u"m/s", 1.0u"m/s", 0.0u"s", 1.0u"s", 1.0u"m/s^2"])
mdtable([p0 fit.param];head=latexraw.([:Truth, :Fit]))
plot(t, v; st=:scatter, label="Samples")
plot!(t,model(t, fit.param);
         linewidth=2, label="Fit",
         xguide="t", yguide="v", unitformat=(l,u)->"\$$l / $(latexraw(u))\$", legend=-45,
/home/runner/.julia/packages/GR/9Vi4m/src/../deps/gr/bin/gksqt: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Widgets.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
connect: Connection refused
GKS: can't connect to GKS socket application

GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS

Warning concerning exponential fits

Consider the function $y(x) = x^p$. If you know the dimension of $y$ and $x$, and neither of them is unitless, there is exactly one choice of $p$ that allows this comparison – and any adjacent $p^*$ will not only make the comparison inaccurate but impossible. Curve fitting in this case doesn't make sense, and will most likely simply fail with UnitfulLsqFit. The dimensionality of the edxpression can not be determined by the values of the fit parameters.